lip and cheek tint

Go all-natural for a rosy, and fresh look with our organic hibiscus lip and cheek tint. With natural skincare remedies, you definitely got clean and clear skin. But this clear skin is more complimented when you have some rosy, glowing, and fresh look.

For this, nothing is better than a natural lip and cheek tint. That makes you naturally fresh for a whole day and without any side effects like a cosmetic tint.

Hibiscus Lip And Cheek Tint

Bright, red-colored hibiscus flowers offer a lot of benefits to our skin while giving a lively, and healthy rosy glow. This is due to the presence of antioxidants like anthocyanocides, and alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA) like malic acid and citric acid, etc.

This hibiscus lip and cheek tint provide our lips and cheeks with its moisturizing, glowing, and anti-aging benefits. It also makes our skin soft and supple.

hibiscus lip and cheek tint


  • 7-8 hibiscus flowers

  • 2 teaspoons rose water

  • 1 teaspoon aloe vera gel

  • 5-6 drops organic liquid red food color

  • 1 cup filtered water

  • 1 drop geranium essential oil


  1. Pour water into the saucepan, and then add hibiscus flowers in the water.
  2. Boil it for 5-10 minutes until this mixture remains half.
  3. Hibiscus tea is formed and lets it cool down.
  4. Take out 3 teaspoons of this hibiscus tea in a clean bowl.
  5. Now, add all the remaining ingredients to it.
  6. Mix it properly and then transfer this mixture to the clean glass dropper bottle.

How To Apply

Shake this homemade lip and cheek tint before application. Apply this liquid, gel-like red organic tint with the help of a glass dropper.

You can apply few drops of this organic tint over the cheeks until the desired rosy color appear. Re-apply it, if needed.

For lips, apply few drops of this organic tint on your lips and use your fingertips to merge this hibiscus tint all over your lips until you attain a reddish-pink glow.

Benefits Of Ingredients

Ingredients Benefits
Hibiscus Hibiscus contains natural acids like citric acid and malic acid, which makes even tone skin and treats age spots. It contains antioxidants like anthocyanosides that fight free radicals damaging our skin. It also boosts collagen in our skin and makes our skin looks fresh, glowing, and youthful.
Rosewater It soothes itchy skin due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It clears clogged pores, acne, and oiliness on our skin.
Aloe vera gel It gives hydration to our skin. Treats acne, and soothes sunburns. It also halts wrinkles and fine lines due to the presence of antioxidants.
Red food color It gives a bright red color to your homemade tint.
Geranium essential oil It gives hydration to our dry skin. It also regenerates new and healthy skin and diminishes the sagginess of our aging skin.


  • Store your DIY lip and cheek tint in the dark glass dropper bottle.

  • During the application process, try to avoid touching the dropper directly with your skin. This will avoid any bacterial contamination.

Every girl desire to look naturally charming with a no-make-up look. For this, what’s better than this hibiscus lip and cheek tint, made with natural ingredients.

Without any harmful chemicals, it gives you a rosy, fresh, and glowing look all day long.

Do try this DIY hibiscus lip and cheek tint at your home. Do let us know about your experience in the comments section below.

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